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My friend dragged me to one of their shows, and to my surprise, I was really impressed! They've been getting a lot of attention lately, so I'm sure everyone have heard of them. So what do you guys think?

Here's the video for their single "Rise"

:innocent:Rap sucks i am sorry mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm why do u like rap! :attention:
Dude, it's all just opinion, and it's good that we don't all like the same stuff.

Vive le difference !!
Tiggi Wrote:Vive le difference !!

Vive la difference

- So - do you hate me now?
Bugger !!

Did a quick interweb check, and found plenty of "le"s so didn't bother to check for any "la"s. C'est le Vie.

...And of course I don't hate you Mrs Urine :innocent:.

(now that's enough French)
Basically if it's got an "e" at the end of it, it's "la"... Putting the "e" at the end of something in French makes it feminine, and "la" is an article addressing feminine words.

Those mysoginist French.
C'est vrai, mon jeune ami américain

French is such a beautiful language - and the fact that it was so much easier than Irish to learn at school certainly increased my appreciation of it. We go to France a fair bit so I know the basics - would love to be fluent though.

.............want to go back to Paris now...............
I took two semesters of French in high school (still in high school, obviously) during my sophomore year. It is a nice language. I'd like to be fluent in it and Spanish.
I have only a vague idea what semester and sophomore mean (will google) but I did 5 years of French and by the end could hold a fairly decent conversation - bit out of practise now.

However a couple of recent holidays in Germany made me realise just how much I feel at home in France, Germany was like - well - a foreign country......

Oh yeah - downed loaded Flobots a few months ago - must listen sometime

(phew! - back on topic)

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