Welcome everyone!
The rules are as follow:
Each page here display 10 posts at a time. So each page will contain a same word (in bold) all the way down. Example:
Madonna - I love new york
next post:
Celine Dion: I hate you then I love you
next post could also be:
Michael Jackson - I just can't stop loving you
You can use words in the same family group; from the example, you can use love, loving, loved...
The first person who arrive at the bottom of the page choose the next word.
So on the first page, if you see that the last post is #10, you know that #11 will end up in the top of page 2 (and 21 at top of page 3, etc...). So you take any other song, no matter what was post #10; the game refresh completely new on each new page.
If by misfortune two persons are choosing the new word at the same time and for example page 2 end up with post #11 and #12 being completely different songs, #12 will decide (the last that posted).
And try to be fair; putting
Ozric Tentacles - Holohedron
Rammstein - Mein Herz brennt
Green Day - Give me Novacaine
will just suck and stop the game.
So use common words so everyone can enjoy the game. The name of the artist can also be used: for example Green Day; day is a common word. But not Celine Dion; Dion is not common.
If someone find an issue in these rules, please tell me.
That's all, let the game begin!
So the first song is:
Mr Bungle - Everyone I Went To High School With Is Dead
(so next you can use dead, death, die, dying...)
The rules are as follow:
Each page here display 10 posts at a time. So each page will contain a same word (in bold) all the way down. Example:
Madonna - I love new york
next post:
Celine Dion: I hate you then I love you
next post could also be:
Michael Jackson - I just can't stop loving you
You can use words in the same family group; from the example, you can use love, loving, loved...
The first person who arrive at the bottom of the page choose the next word.
So on the first page, if you see that the last post is #10, you know that #11 will end up in the top of page 2 (and 21 at top of page 3, etc...). So you take any other song, no matter what was post #10; the game refresh completely new on each new page.
If by misfortune two persons are choosing the new word at the same time and for example page 2 end up with post #11 and #12 being completely different songs, #12 will decide (the last that posted).
And try to be fair; putting
Ozric Tentacles - Holohedron
Rammstein - Mein Herz brennt
Green Day - Give me Novacaine
will just suck and stop the game.
So use common words so everyone can enjoy the game. The name of the artist can also be used: for example Green Day; day is a common word. But not Celine Dion; Dion is not common.
If someone find an issue in these rules, please tell me.
That's all, let the game begin!
So the first song is:
Mr Bungle - Everyone I Went To High School With Is Dead
(so next you can use dead, death, die, dying...)