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Lennon Killer Again Denied Parole
[h=2]Lennon killer again denied parole[/h] added: 24 Aug 2012 // by: VVN Music

[Image: john-lennon.jpg]

For the seventh time, the murder of John Lennon, Mark David Chapman, has been denied parole by the New York Department of Corrections.

Board member Sally Thompson wrote in the decision 'Despite your positive efforts while incarcerated, your release at this time would greatly undermine respect for the law and tend to trivialize the tragic loss of life which you caused as a result of this heinous, unprovoked, violent, cold and calculated crime. The panel notes your good conduct, program achievements, educational accomplishments, positive presentation, remorse, risk and needs assessment, letters of support, significant opposition to your release and all other statutory factors were considered. However, parole shall not be granted for good conduct and program completions alone.'

Chapman will be returned to protective custody and can reapply for parole again in two years. He was originally sentenced to 20 years to life on August 25, 1981 for the killing of Lennon the previous December.

A full transcript of Chapman's interview before the board will be released in the near future.
Can't say I have much sympathy for the dude.
No sympathy from me !!! He stole the life of one of my endeared artists !!!!

Chapman would just love to get out to start a real media frenzy and circus...and make loads of money....sickening !
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
Forgive if this is a stupid question, but has it ever been said why the guy killed him?

God bless you and John's family always!!!

Listen to my most favorite singer here sometime, James Otto that is!
fame, was all I could ever figure out
Music Head Wrote:fame, was all I could ever figure out
i thought that he was haunted by nightmares and the only way to end them was to kill lennon.....or jesus ask him to do it.......always remember howard cosell breaking the news that lennon had been shot during a monday night football game.......just brain numbing at the time..buisness as usual now
The piece of crap (Chapman) has been quoted as saying he wanted to be remembered as the person who killed a Beatle!
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
^^^ That is sick.

God bless you always!!!

Listen to my most favorite singer here sometime, James Otto that is!
SteveO Wrote:The piece of crap (Chapman) has been quoted as saying he wanted to be remembered as the person who killed a Beatle!

That was my understanding too. I believe he was obsessed with John and wanted to be a part of his history somehow. Crazy!
having read a biography on Chapman, there appears to be a lot more to the story than most people know(or that the 'powers that be' want you to know!)...

firstly, Cahpman was a CIA operative who travelled the world for the CIA under the guise of running YMCA hostels all over the world.
secondly, his physician also says that during his time with the CIA he volunteered to enter their 'mind control' programme, it s during this time that his physician says he was subliminaly 'programmed' with instructions to kill Lennon at a predisposed time for making the US Government look stupid with his involvement in not only the anti-vietnam protests but also by exposing them in their underhand attempts to force him to leave the US, thus Chapman,like,Oswald was a CIA 'fallguy' to make it look they had no involvement in not only Lennon's death but also JFK's.
it is also a historical fact that the CIA,like MI-5/MI-6,KGB and Mossad(amongst others) used this technique to do what they wanted without inplicating their respective Governments.

i also have a sneaking suspicion they ordered the execution of Lennon at the time they did because he was just getting back in the 'public eye' after being away from it for five years....they were worried he would take off where he left off politically and the US couldnt afford more bad publicity in the event of them getting mixed up in more international issues....well, thats my opinion anyway....and where there is smoke,there is always some sort of fire!!!!

either way, Chapman was never convicted of Lennon's murder to my knowledge, he was instead found to be 'unfit to stand trial' and remains that way to this day as he is incarcerated in a psychiatric ward of a prison hospital.
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.


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