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Best (non musical) Film Soundtrack - Printable Version

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Best (non musical) Film Soundtrack - lanaa - 13-06-2012

I agree with you djdave. 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly' is outstanding.

Best (non musical) Film Soundtrack - danielkr94 - 20-06-2012

Now that i think about it Pulp Fiction had a great soundtrack as well

Best (non musical) Film Soundtrack - quayy - 26-06-2012

woody allen's...midnight in paris also slumdog millionaire

Best (non musical) Film Soundtrack - suzy7 - 06-08-2012

I always loved the soundtrack from the
"Big Chill"

Best (non musical) Film Soundtrack - SteveO - 07-08-2012

Easy Rider had a decent soundtrack

Best (non musical) Film Soundtrack - mtthwibrahim - 11-08-2012

Every Sergio Leone movie

Best (non musical) Film Soundtrack - Mrrusty1 - 15-08-2012

the 1966 film Blow Up was good featuring jazz organ from Herbie Hancock and the brilliant yardbirds track stroll on

Best (non musical) Film Soundtrack - Mrrusty1 - 15-08-2012

easy rider was brilliant because it featured steppenwolf and the byrds

SteveO Wrote:Easy Rider had a decent soundtrack

Best (non musical) Film Soundtrack - Mrrusty1 - 15-08-2012

i agree that was a great film score the good the bad and the ugly but i dont know wheter to draw or whistle dixie

lanaa Wrote:I agree with you djdave. 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly' is outstanding.

Best (non musical) Film Soundtrack - Mrrusty1 - 15-08-2012

The magic christian was a comedy film with Peter Sellers and Ringo Starr and the music was mainly by bad finger (really good)