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2018 Metal Albums Myths Is Digging & Looking Forward To
Here's my list of metal albums I've gotten or am looking forward to getting for this year. It's obviously tentative and subject to change. I will provide some small reviews on each album when time allows it for me here at a later point. I hope this thread is appropriate and placed in the correct spot, if it's misplaced I'll understand if it gets moved somewhere else.

BAND - ALBUM - RELEASE DATE - SUB-GENRE (if listened to) - PERSONAL RATING (if listened to)

Watain - Trident Wolf Eclipse - Jan 5th - Black Metal - 7/10
Summoning - With Doom We Come - Jan 5th - Epic/Atmospheric Black Metal - 9/10
In Vain - Currents - Jan 26th - Progressive/Melodic Black/Death Metal - 8.5/10
Visigoth - Conqueror's Oath - Feb 9th - Heavy/Power Metal - 9/10
Augury - Illusive Golden Age - March 30th - Technical/Progressive Brutal Black/Death Metal - 7.5/10
Kalmah - Palo - April 6th - Melodic Black/Death/Power Metal - 8.5/10
Vyre - Weltformel - April 20th
Aura Noir - Aura Noire - April 27th
Ihsahn - Amr - May 4th
Thy Catafalque - Geometria - May 4th
Amorphis - Queen of Time - May 18th
Sigh - Heir to Despair - Release Date TBA

Out of the ones not released yet I'm most looking forward to Amorphis' new album, here's the first promo track from it. It's an abundantly synthy/choiral journey of ethereal flowing melodies interconnected with heavy/doomy rhythms/growled vocals sections.

Some of my favourite songs from already released albums include And Quiet Flows the Scheldt by In Vain, With Doom I Come by Summoning, Outlive them All by Visigoth, and Waiting in the Wings by Kalmah.

Reviews to come either edited into this post or in new posts I make in this thread. All comments and suggestions for improvement are welcome. If anyone wants to recommend 2018 metal albums to me too, I would also really like that and if I dig it I'll include it in this thread.
welcome to MD MyhtsOfMetal....

not sure i'd buy or listen to many on your list because, well, I'm not a metal kind of guy...
our resident metal-dude is SteveO, he shows up bi or tri weekly, I'm sure he'd be glad of another metal addict here!
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

Welcome aboard MythsOMetal ! Metal is not a primary music genre of mine since I listen to many genres !

However I know enough about it extensively ! I think Summoning are tremendous as well as Clandestine Blaze and Borgne ! ...just to name a very few for now ! I am familiar with your list.
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
Thanks for the nice welcoming you two. I'm not 100% completely new to this board as I joined in 2014, but I didn't develop much of a presence in this forum so I can understand why I wouldn't be remembered. I would have posted here more recently if I knew the forum had been reinstated as I last checked out this board around the time it was said that the board would be changing its name or something and I vaguely recall some comments of data being lost shortly after, but it looks like things are good here again, so I thought I would jump back in to participating in discussion on the forum.

I listen to other stuff too SteveO, however the proportion of the pie which is metal compared to other genres is probably larger for me than it is you, not that it matters either way. Some non-metal or mostly non-metal musicians/bands I like a few songs or more from each includes Naked City, Sun Ra, Gordon Lightfoot, Stan Rogers, Garnet Rogers, Leonard Cohen, Rush, Boston, BTO, CCR, The Fratellis, Muse, Shivaree and others.

Cool to hear that you like Summoning. I haven't heard music from those other two, Borgne not even by name before, the only two Summoning-like bands I know and like are Caladan Brood and Utstott, but I'm open to trying others.

So you're familiar with every album on my list? I didn't know Vyre were as well known, but maybe I recommended them to you years ago, haha.

If you've heard In Vain's new album, did the version you heard include the two bonus tracks? Those are pretty essential to the flow, diversity, and overall feeling of the album.

Btw, is OceanSoul still around? I remember she liked Amorphis, but I only very recently got into Amorphis last year and bought all their albums. It would be cool to talk with someone who likes the band. The band's pretty likeable so I imagine you do too, SteveO?

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