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Your First Metal Band ??
My first experience of Metal was with Black Sabbath (If they can be classified as Metal ?!). Got into their eponymous first album, and Technical Ecstacy at about the age of 15, which led me into loads of exploration of similar bands.

Don't listen to much of this stuff these days, but when in the mood, it still has its' place.

What was the first Metal band that you fell in love with ??
System of the down, while at college doing things i should not have it was my theme tune, toxicity was the albem

still love them to this day, bit of a fan im afraid.......

Black Sabbath.
iron maiden... specifically their album "number of the beast". after that, i became a metalhead.
metalmaiden Wrote:iron maiden... specifically their album "number of the beast". after that, i became a metalhead.

Strangely, my brief flirtation with Metal came to an end with the dawn of Iron Maiden. There's nothing wrong with them, and it wasn't specifically IM that put me off the genre, but that whole generation of Metal bands (NWOBHM) just failed to engage me, and I moved on to pastures new.

I do still quite like the occasional Metal album though.
dimmu borgir was my first bend but they are to antikrist for me. i'm not very religious but i maind of words like:antikrist, satan rulles ,...
so now i listen amon amarth
My first true metal album was probably IX Equilibrium by Emperor. It came out in 1999. Thrash metal was probably the most popular style of metal around me growing up but it didn't appeal to me. So I was slow getting into metal. I took a backwards route, through the industrial-metal of bands like Ministry and Skinny Puppy. When I finally found metal that appealed to me it was death and black metal.
Norma Jean- Memphis will be laid to waist.
That's what got me into Screamo/metal.
system of a down

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