10-04-2018, 04:52
Here's my list of metal albums I've gotten or am looking forward to getting for this year. It's obviously tentative and subject to change. I will provide some small reviews on each album when time allows it for me here at a later point. I hope this thread is appropriate and placed in the correct spot, if it's misplaced I'll understand if it gets moved somewhere else.
BAND - ALBUM - RELEASE DATE - SUB-GENRE (if listened to) - PERSONAL RATING (if listened to)
Watain - Trident Wolf Eclipse - Jan 5th - Black Metal - 7/10
Summoning - With Doom We Come - Jan 5th - Epic/Atmospheric Black Metal - 9/10
In Vain - Currents - Jan 26th - Progressive/Melodic Black/Death Metal - 8.5/10
Visigoth - Conqueror's Oath - Feb 9th - Heavy/Power Metal - 9/10
Augury - Illusive Golden Age - March 30th - Technical/Progressive Brutal Black/Death Metal - 7.5/10
Kalmah - Palo - April 6th - Melodic Black/Death/Power Metal - 8.5/10
Vyre - Weltformel - April 20th
Aura Noir - Aura Noire - April 27th
Ihsahn - Amr - May 4th
Thy Catafalque - Geometria - May 4th
Amorphis - Queen of Time - May 18th
Sigh - Heir to Despair - Release Date TBA
Out of the ones not released yet I'm most looking forward to Amorphis' new album, here's the first promo track from it. It's an abundantly synthy/choiral journey of ethereal flowing melodies interconnected with heavy/doomy rhythms/growled vocals sections.
Some of my favourite songs from already released albums include And Quiet Flows the Scheldt by In Vain, With Doom I Come by Summoning, Outlive them All by Visigoth, and Waiting in the Wings by Kalmah.
Reviews to come either edited into this post or in new posts I make in this thread. All comments and suggestions for improvement are welcome. If anyone wants to recommend 2018 metal albums to me too, I would also really like that and if I dig it I'll include it in this thread.
BAND - ALBUM - RELEASE DATE - SUB-GENRE (if listened to) - PERSONAL RATING (if listened to)
Watain - Trident Wolf Eclipse - Jan 5th - Black Metal - 7/10
Summoning - With Doom We Come - Jan 5th - Epic/Atmospheric Black Metal - 9/10
In Vain - Currents - Jan 26th - Progressive/Melodic Black/Death Metal - 8.5/10
Visigoth - Conqueror's Oath - Feb 9th - Heavy/Power Metal - 9/10
Augury - Illusive Golden Age - March 30th - Technical/Progressive Brutal Black/Death Metal - 7.5/10
Kalmah - Palo - April 6th - Melodic Black/Death/Power Metal - 8.5/10
Vyre - Weltformel - April 20th
Aura Noir - Aura Noire - April 27th
Ihsahn - Amr - May 4th
Thy Catafalque - Geometria - May 4th
Amorphis - Queen of Time - May 18th
Sigh - Heir to Despair - Release Date TBA
Out of the ones not released yet I'm most looking forward to Amorphis' new album, here's the first promo track from it. It's an abundantly synthy/choiral journey of ethereal flowing melodies interconnected with heavy/doomy rhythms/growled vocals sections.
Some of my favourite songs from already released albums include And Quiet Flows the Scheldt by In Vain, With Doom I Come by Summoning, Outlive them All by Visigoth, and Waiting in the Wings by Kalmah.
Reviews to come either edited into this post or in new posts I make in this thread. All comments and suggestions for improvement are welcome. If anyone wants to recommend 2018 metal albums to me too, I would also really like that and if I dig it I'll include it in this thread.