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going back to uni
kerry101 Wrote:i'm a hanson fan [...] i worry that my brain is becoming numb and that i need to learn more!!!

I'm afraid it's too late.
Do you want to give up work? Isn't there an evening or day release version of the masters?

My husband studied for his two masters degrees (Computer Science and Business ) part-time when he was working and apart from the fact that this was a hell of a lot of work, it was do-able.

When I have bought my kids everthing there is to buy in the universe and my husband has got a house as big as he wants and a car as posh as he wants, I'm going to kick the rat race into touch and go back to uni to do a social history phd. So I'll get back to you in 20 or 30 years or so and let you know how that works out!
This thread is pertinent for me because I'm presently seriously considering going to University, something I've never done. I only have a secondary (high school) diploma and now at 30, I realize, after more than 10 years of vain struggle to find a good job that I like, that without proper education, this vicious circle of bad jobs that I hate will continue until the end of my life and that I must do something NOW, before it's too late.

I also realize that the kind of work I'm suited for (after all these years, I now know myself better) is always in university grade. I tried some "1 year professional course" that promise you a good job after it, but all these programs are 95% of the time about MANUAL work, but I hate that: factories, welding, mechanic, trucks, construction workers, all these manual jobs that are well known as "man" jobs, I all hate them. I'm more an intellectual person who like human spirit and psychology, understanding how society work, arts, languages, helping others, etc.

So to work in fields like that, I need University so I will finally do it, after all these years of hesitation. The fact that I always hated school and also that I didn't wanted to have huge debts after school made me hesitate; but now I will forget these fears and go for it; I'm too tired of my present struggle, University can't be worse.
Iota Wrote:I'm afraid it's too late.

heeeeeyyyyy cheeky lol

I think i need to save a bit, as i don't want to get into the working my ass off to pay for classes that i can't attend because i am working to pay for themrutt-which would be the case now as my shifts can and do clash with most evening activities.

my owrk place isn't so helpful when it comes to things like this so i may have to do it in a year or so:nod:
we can conquer this great divide-hanson

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