from my library (vinyl)
The Queen of pop. Has anyone claimed that title yet? I guess Madona deserves it. Don't care for her as a person, but I think she has made some great music over the years and is a great entertainer and even a passable actress. Which brings us to Dick Tracy, which the liner notes of this album say "Songs inspired by or from the film Dick Tracy". The cover is from the movie. I'm probably one of the few people in the country that liked movie, probably because I used to read the Dick Tracy comic strip when I was a kid. Aw, come on, I was a kid! The smash hit Vogue came from this album, and is just ok for me. I do really like a little Hanky Panky now and then. Nothing like a good spanky. The album made it to #2 in the states with Vogue at #1 and Hanky Panky at #10. U.K. did the same except Hanky Panky went to #2. The Hanky Panky live clip is tremendous. Warren Beatty is credible on track 10.
Worst Track - I'm Going Bananas
Best Track - Hanky Panky
(Spoken) Come over here!
Some girls, they like candy, and others, they like to grind,
I'll settle for the back of your hand somewhere on my behind.
Treat me like I'm a bad girl, even when I'm being good to you,
I don't want you to thank me, you can just spank me. Mmm.
Some guys like to sweet talk, and others, they like to tease,
Tie my hands behind my back and, ooo, I'm in ecstasy.
Don't slobber me with kisses, I can get that from my sisters,
Before I get too cranky, you better...
Like hanky panky [hanky panky],
Nothing like a good spanky [good spanky].
Don't take out your handkerchiefs,
I don't wanna cry, I just wanna hanky panky.
Like hanky panky [hanky panky],
Nothing like a good spanky [good spanky].
Don't take out your handkerchiefs,
I don't wanna cry, I just wanna hanky panky guy.
Please don't call a doctor, 'cause there's nothing wrong with me,
I just like things a little rough and you better not disagree.
'Cause I don't like a big softie, [no], I like someone mean and bossy,
Let me speak to you frankly, you better...
Oooo, yeah.
What about? Yeah. That's an interesting...
My bottom hurts just thinking about it.
[She wants you to] Treat me like I'm a bad girl,
[She needs you to] Even when I'm being good to you.
I don't want you to thank me [Don't thank her], you better...
[Hanky panky] Oooh, yeah
[Good spanky] Get the picture?
[Don't wanna cry, I just wanna]
That's the way I came into this world,
The doctor said, "Lady, she's a beautiful girl."
He gave me a spanky and I started to smile,
So give it up, honey, 'cause I want it.
1) He's A Man - ** - audio
2) Sooner Or Later - * - live
3) Hanky Panky - *** - live
4) I'm Going Bananas - * - live
5) Cry Baby - ** - audio
6) Something To Remember - ** - audio
7) Back In Business - ** - audio
8) More - ** - video
9) What Can You Lose - * - audio
10) Now I'm Following You (Parts 1 & 2) - ** - live
11) Vogue - ** - video
3's - 1
2's - 7
1's - 3
Rating - 1.9