31-07-2015, 22:51
TEARS FOR FEARS "colour collection" cd, 2006
career stats:
studio albums.......6
international #1 hits....
"shout"............................................#1 US...#1 AU...#1 CAN..#1 NZ...#1 GER...#1 NL
"everybody wants to rule the world"....#1`US...............#1 CAN
"sowing the seeds of love"..........................................#1 CAN
Strange that a UK New-Wave/synth-pop ground would not have a #1 hit in their homeland but manage three in Canada and two in the US?????
I was hesitant when not only playing this one but purchasing it also because a lot of the UK synth=pop/New Wavestuff dated really bad over the
decades IMO(and that comes from one who spent their formative teen years in that era...
luckily for me though, most of these tracks sound pretty fresh today, the drum synths and programming still sound cool, even the vocals sound fresh...
my favourite track of theirs was always their Sgt.Pepper'y "sowing the seeds of love", that still has not changed...man those guys had balls to emulate
the Beatles,especially just a few years after John'smeurde, the fact Beatlemania was still big in the UK and Paul was still scoring top10 hits out there...
album/compilation contains most of their top20 UK hits from the 1980s-early 1990s, some of which i'd never heard prior to this collection finding its way into my
cd family....some of those track id never hear previously, well, I love them others could do with several more spins in the player like "woman in chains", that one is growing on me with each listen(nice recommendation Ruby....its getting there girl!)
all up a pleasantly good collection of songs by a band labelled with being 1980s synth=pop!
worst track: last famous words
best track: sowing the seeds of love
1...break it down again ***
2...shout **
3...goodnight song **
4...bad mans song ***
5...power ***
6...cold **
7...dog's a best friends dog **
8...swords and knives *
9...famous last words *
10.mothers talk **
11.head over heels **
12.advice for the young at heart **
13.everybody wants to rule the world ***
14.sowing the seeds of love ***
15.woman in chains **
rating: 2.2
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..." - Me 2014.
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..." - Me 2014.