12-01-2017, 16:52
Jerome: Thank you. This is a 15 minute mix. I really needed to know about the vocals before spending hours on mixing complete crap vocals (yeah I've done that). When I put up the lyrics I had to change them from the original sheet I had. I didn't realize I had those errors. As I listen to my "voice" I think of Edith Piaf. She spoke of her mentor who forced her to work for hours to learn proper diction. She didn't believe she could do it. She had a thick cheap Parisian accent. I have a cheap Long Island accent, and as you can hear my diction is far from perfect. That's something all vocalists should think about. I know I do, and that's a problem I don't think I'll ever get over.
MFS: Thank you. Not 100, 1000% melodyne (autotune). When I import my vocal EVERY note is flat or sharp a half step. Which in musician terms means I can't sing. In the studio, the ears made them "acceptable". I've always wanted to be right on pitch and melodyne allows that. With Melodyne 2 I've fixed notes and still been pitchy. In Melodyne 4 so far when I put the note on a G no matter what the pitch align reads the blob is on G and the note has been a G. I'm using the 4 trial version, I'll be upgrading permanently.On a funny note, when I used to play live, a reviewer wrote "strong lead vocals". We all had a great laugh over that one.
MFS: Thank you. Not 100, 1000% melodyne (autotune). When I import my vocal EVERY note is flat or sharp a half step. Which in musician terms means I can't sing. In the studio, the ears made them "acceptable". I've always wanted to be right on pitch and melodyne allows that. With Melodyne 2 I've fixed notes and still been pitchy. In Melodyne 4 so far when I put the note on a G no matter what the pitch align reads the blob is on G and the note has been a G. I'm using the 4 trial version, I'll be upgrading permanently.On a funny note, when I used to play live, a reviewer wrote "strong lead vocals". We all had a great laugh over that one.