12-05-2020, 05:38
![[Image: 61+MKDHrqaL._AC_UY218_.jpg]](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61+MKDHrqaL._AC_UY218_.jpg)
JIM REEVES "distant drums" vinyl, 1966
I wiped the vinyl clean of possible (inevitable) dust before playing as I do with all vinyl anyway.
drop it on the turntable, press 'start', place the needle and those lovely character sounds of 'clicks' and 'crackles' warm my heart
with immediate effect because I know im about to listen to an album that has been played more than a few times and likewise warmed my Father's heart and soul on many an occasion also.
a posthumous studio album
tracks in that slow crooner style for the most part with a couple of more upbeat ones thrown in for good measure.
knew several of the tracks but the rest were new to me.
nothing to really say other than it is Gentleman Jim.
side one:
1....distant drums ***
2....is it really over? **
3....I missed me ***
4....snowflake ***
5....a letter to my heart **
6....losing your love **
side two:
1....this is it **
2....not until the next time ***
3....good morning self **
4....where does a broken heart go? ***
5....overnight **
6....the Gods were angry with me **
3s = 5
2s = 5
1s = 0
rating: 2.5
I would normally almost certainly pick the title track above all others but I think its safe to say that we would all know that one so
here is another one that casual listeners to Jim Reeves probably wouldn't know:
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..." - Me 2014.
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..." - Me 2014.