19-11-2011, 09:51
Look dude, generally people are stupid, so people who sell stuff try to generally influence stupid people generalise stuff by catagories. Then some smart arse comes along and says "WE ARE DIFFERENT" trying to be clever, so stupid people who want to be clever go along with it and call themselves an EMO TEEN SCREAMO DEATH DISCO DUDE to try and fit in with some idea or lifestyle which is not theirs. When their friends also become a EMO TEEN SCREAMO DEATH DISCO fan, the original fan must become a NEW CORE EMO TEEN SCREAMO DEATH DISCO fan to be different so they don't fit in as they want to be different from their friends slowly becoming stupider and stupider.
How about we have a catagory called Music and end this Ballshite. Well it wouldn't sell that's why, because refering to point one, everyone is generally stoOpid (including me as i've probably just proved!) :nod:
How about we have a catagory called Music and end this Ballshite. Well it wouldn't sell that's why, because refering to point one, everyone is generally stoOpid (including me as i've probably just proved!) :nod: