Big shout-out to Bob for bringing this magnificent artist to our attention--huzzah! Taking this ball and running with it: here's sorta bio and critics quotes from a US jazzfest promo: << Gary Walker is the premier DJ on the premier jazz radio station in the NE U.S.--he knows quality.
That opening quote on her site: Johnny Mandel wrote some of the best popular songs of the 20th Century--he knows quality too.
She's not a newbie--been recording since '06 tho' this is the first semi-major-label release: << This CD is too new to be listed--takes'm a month or 2 if it's not a big-time artist--her earlier CDs fetch super-premium prices (nobody bought'm so the resale universe is small).
Adding to the setlist: << Love that little stutter << Mr. Kellaway has no time for mutts, so... << torch to the max, with empathic backing << This is a woman singing--not a hint of girlish, not in intonation, not in feeling << A less-formal session w/ James Pearson on harpsichord (!)--all those jazz chops on full display << The version of this song << Here in a duet with that marvelous Welsh singer, etc., etc., Ian Shaw
Cheap japes: My Southern pal on hearing her: "cracker wants a Polly." and a later chart of her doings would be a Polly-graph
That opening quote on her site: Johnny Mandel wrote some of the best popular songs of the 20th Century--he knows quality too.
She's not a newbie--been recording since '06 tho' this is the first semi-major-label release: << This CD is too new to be listed--takes'm a month or 2 if it's not a big-time artist--her earlier CDs fetch super-premium prices (nobody bought'm so the resale universe is small).
Adding to the setlist: << Love that little stutter << Mr. Kellaway has no time for mutts, so... << torch to the max, with empathic backing << This is a woman singing--not a hint of girlish, not in intonation, not in feeling << A less-formal session w/ James Pearson on harpsichord (!)--all those jazz chops on full display << The version of this song << Here in a duet with that marvelous Welsh singer, etc., etc., Ian Shaw
Cheap japes: My Southern pal on hearing her: "cracker wants a Polly." and a later chart of her doings would be a Polly-graph
A man accustomed to hear only the echo of his own sentiments, soon bars all the common avenues of delight, and has no part in the general gratification of mankind--Dr. Johnson
What he said. Amen, Bro--JazzboCR
What he said. Amen, Bro--JazzboCR