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What Are You Listening To?
i actually like most of her albums, very talented girl is Madonna, her list of top 10 hits in the UK is incredible.
the only song of hers that i cant stand is her cover of 'american pie', its one of those songs that should never be allowed to be re-recorded, its a classic
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

CRAZY-HORSE Wrote:i actually like most of her albums, very talented girl is Madonna, her list of top 10 hits in the UK is incredible.
the only song of hers that i cant stand is her cover of 'american pie', its one of those songs that should never be allowed to be re-recorded, its a classic

I agree. We had another member here, David Broad, that said her cover was better than the original.

Music Head Wrote:I agree. We had another member here, David Broad, that said her cover was better than the original.

well i hope he was 'banned' indefinately for saying that, lol
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

from my library (vinyl)

[Image: c737829b4nu.jpg]

This is Barrys second album, but the one that actually started his career, with Mandy sweeping the airwaves. At least that's how I recall it. Wasn't crazy about it at first. After all, I knew nobody named Mandy. Nobody I knew ever came and gave without taking. But I digress. The song does get better over the years. The orchestra and ending make it happen. It's A Miracle and the little known Sandra are two other excellent songs. Sandra takes my best track, as it is one of those that can get to me. The older you get the more of those there are. Some fortys-era swing thing of Avenue C is the only clunker. This album was just the beginning of a stellar career. It became #1 in the states, with Mandy doing the same and It's A Miracle going to #12. Mandy also made it to #11 in the U.K. but the album doesn't show.


Worst Track - Avenue C

Best Track - Sandra

She's a great little housewife
Though sometimes she talks like a fool
But she helps at the store in the holiday rush
And she picks up the kids after school
And she puts down the phone
when her husband comes home

And she changes from mother to wife
'Til she feels the words hanging between them
And she hangs by her words to her life

She says I swear I love my husband,
I love my kids
I wanted to be like my mother
But if I hadn't done it as soon as I did
Oh there might have been time to be me
For myself, for myself

There's so many things that she wishes
She don't even know what she's missin'
And that's how she knows that she missed

She's a sweetheart, except when she's moody
It's hard to get through to her then
Depressed for a while
when the youngest was born
Oh but that happens now and again

She might take a drink with the housework
Or when Michael's kept late at the shop
A Martini or two before dinner
But she always knows when to stop

She says I swear I love my husband
and I love my kids
You know I wanted to be like my mother
But if I hadn't done it as soon as I did
Oh there might have been time to be me
For myself, for myself

There's so many things that she wishes
She don't even know what she's missin'

And that's how she knows that she missed

Oh they used to hold hands at the movies
Now it's seldom if ever they go
Once you've paid for the sitter
and parkin' the car
There's no money left for the show

She was doing the dishes
When a glass fell and broke on the tile
And she cut her wrist (quite by mistake)
It was real touch and go for a while

She says Oh God I love my husband
and I love my kids
You know I wanted to be like my, my mother
But if I hadn't done it as soon as I did
Oh there might have been time to be me
For myself, for myself

There's so many things that she wishes
She don't even know what she's missin'

And that's how she knows that she missed

1) I Want To Be Somebodys Baby - **
audio -
2) Early Morning Strangers - **
3) Mandy - ***
live -
4) The Two Of Us - **
5) Something's Coming Up - **
6) It's A Miracle - **
live -
7) Avenue C - *
8) My Baby Loves Me - **
audio -
9) Sandra - ***
audio -
10) Home Again - **

3's - 3
2's - 6
1's - 1

Rating - 2.2

from my library (vinyl)

[Image: d66085y6456.jpg]

The one that started it all. I don't know how, but it did. And that's not a knock on Madonna, but on this album. I think Lucky Star was the big hit. I hated it and still do, as with half of the album. Still techno/dance/pop at it's finest I guess. Just not my thing. I did grow to like some of Madonnas later material. So I'm not some Madonna hater. Half of the tracks here do get a passing grade. Even that was a stretch. This album comes at the tail end of the disco faze. Those sounds dominate and I despised disco. Except for one thing. It made me discover punk. Thank you disco. As important as that sound, this was the beginning of the MTV craze, which I maintain may have quite a bit to do with Madonnas success. Again, not a knock, just an observation, a sign of the times. This album went to #8 in the states, with Lucky Star at #4, Borderline at #10 and Holiday at #16. Very nice performance from her 1990 tour on clip #5.


Worst Track - Physical Attraction

Best Track - I Know It

I don't know why I thought that you could make me happy
These tears I cry for you are so hopeless, yeah
I don't know why I thought that we were going somewhere
But you grabbed your coat and you were out the door
And now I know you don't care


I know you're gonna take your love and run
I know you think I'm the foolish one
I know you're gonna turn around and say goodbye

I used to think you were my pretty angel comin' down
Well now you've just proven me wrong
What about the letters we have written
All the things we've said and done
I'll just stand here while you count the battles you have won


But I'm not gonna cry for you
'Cause that's what you want me to do
No I'm not gonna cry for you anymore


Take your love and run from me
Is this the way love's supposed to be
You don't think that I can see
But you can't fool me

But I'm not gonna cry for you
'Cause that's what you want me to do
No I'm not gonna cry for you anymore


1) Lucky Star - *
video -
2) Borderline **
video -
3) Burning Up - *
video -
4) I Know It - **
audio -
5) Holiday - **
live -
6) Think Of Me - **
audio -
7) Physical Attraction - *
audio -
8) Everybody - *
video -

3's - 0
2's - 4
1's - 4

Rating - 1.5

agreed, its a terrible album.
it was released the same time as Cyndi Lauper's 'shes so unusual' album here in Oz,i thought Cyndi was more talented etc...then wham! two years later it was 'who is cyndi lauper?'...Madge #1 all over the world, its strange how that happens
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

CRAZY-HORSE Wrote:agreed, its a terrible album.
it was released the same time as Cyndi Lauper's 'shes so unusual' album here in Oz,i thought Cyndi was more talented etc...then wham! two years later it was 'who is cyndi lauper?'...Madge #1 all over the world, its strange how that happens

yes it is
was a big Cyndi fan also.
not crazy about that blues kick she's on now.

from my library (vinyl)

[Image: 3139OxjRvcL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

One of the bubblegum kings of the era, hailing from Atlanta. What seperated Tommy from the others was that he wasn't just a one hit wonder. He had at least 6 I can think of and 2 of them are on here. Problem is once you got past those hits there wasn't that much there. A few covers on here but for the most part, he wrote his own material. This is his eighth album and there would only be one more in the can before a failed re-emergence in 1976. The two hits here were Heather Honey which reached #29 and the best selling of his career, Dizzy at #1. The songs did about equally as well in the U.K. If not for those, the album would not get a passing grade. No contest for worst with Proud Mary being even worse than Tina Turners. Yes I said that. I never cared for Tina's version of Proud Mary.


Worst Track - Proud Mary

Best Track - Dizzy

Dizzy, I'm so dizzy my head is spinning
Like a whirlpool it never ends
And it's you girl makin' it spin
You're making me dizzy

First time that I saw you girl, I knew that I just had to make you mine
But it's so hard to talk to you with fellows hangin' round you all the time
I want you for my sweet pet, but you keep playing hard to get
I'm going round in circles all the time

Dizzy, I'm so dizzy my head is spinning
Like a whirlpool it never ends
And it's you girl makin' it spin
You're making me dizzy

I finally got to talk to you and I told you just exactly how I felt
Then I held you close to me and kissed you and my heart began to melt
Girl you've got control on me, cuz I'm so dizzy I can't see
I need to call a doctor for some help

Dizzy, I'm so dizzy my head is spinning
Like a whirlpool it never ends
And it's you girl makin' it spin
You're making me dizzy my head is spinning
Like a whirlpool it never ends
And it's you girl making it spin
You're making me dizzy
You're making me dizzy

1) Heather Honey - ***
audio -
2) Raining In My Heart - *
audio -
3) Cinnamon - *
audio -
4) A Dollars Worth Of Pennies - **
audio -
5) Stormy - **
audio -
6) Makin' Music - *
audio -
7) Money Is My Pay - **
8) Proud Mary - *
9) Gotta Keep Rolling Along - **
10) Look Out Girl - *
audio -
11) Dizzy - ***
live -

3's - 2
2's - 4
1's - 5

Grade - 1.7

from my library (vinyl)

[Image: d66086e27i4.jpg]

This second album is much better than the debut for me. Nile Rodgers taking production chores, and a star is born. With those 2 smash singles being excellent for me too, it's hard to not like this album. She had made her prescence known with that first album, but this one is the one that made her a household name, but only based on those 2 songs. The vidoes and live clips are great, and are tame compared to todays female pop stars. One complete throw away for me, with Over And Over. The rest passes. The album went straight to #1, both here and across the pond, with 4 top 10 singles here and Like A Virgin topping the chart. The girl had it goin' on.


Worst Track - Over And Over

Best Track - Like A Virgin

I made it through the wilderness
Somehow I made it through
Didn't know how lost I was
Until I found you

I was beat incomplete
I'd been had, I was sad and blue
But you made me feel
Yeah, you made me feel
Shiny and new


Like a virgin
Touched for the very first time
Like a virgin
When your heart beats (after first time,
"With your heartbeat")
Next to mine

Gonna give you all my love, boy
My fear is fading fast
Been saving it all for you
'Cause only love can last

You're so fine and you're mine
Make me strong, yeah you make me bold
Oh your love thawed out
Yeah, your love thawed out
What was scared and cold


Oooh, oooh, oooh

You're so fine and you're mine
I'll be yours 'till the end of time
'Cause you made me feel
Yeah, you made me feel
I've nothing to hide


Like a virgin, ooh, ooh
Like a virgin
Feels so good inside
When you hold me, and your heart beats,
and you love me

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Ooh, baby
Can't you hear my heart beat
For the very first time?

1) Material Girl - ***
video -
2) Angel - **
video -
3) Like A Virgin - ***
video -
4) Over And Over - *
live -
5) Love Don't Live Here Anymore - **
audio -
6) Dress You Up - **
live -
7) Shoo-Be-Doo - **
audio -
8) Pretender - **
audio -
9) Stay - **
audio -

3's - 2
2's - 6
1's - 1

Grade - 2.1

[Image: 41QZTQR3Y0L._SL500_AA300_.jpg]
SPANDAU BALLET "TRUE" 1983. (vinyl)

firstly i wasnt sure if this should go here or in the 'soul' thread because it is called 'blue-eyed soul'(stupid name/genre). i decided on here because it is 'pop'.
its feels like its been forever since i last played this album,probably 15yrs anyway, and i wasnt sure if i would still like it,especially since a lot of the UK New Wave/Romantic/Blue-Eyed Soul music from the early to mid eighties hasnt aged very well IMO.
i was pleasantly surprised to say the least...the music sounds fresh,even after 27yrs since its release, and all truly great music should either sound good years later or represent something in its day like a time capsule of sorts. theres only eight tracks on this album, unusual for the time because most pop songs were still only 3:30ish long, most of these songs stretch 4:30 and beyond. i feel as though a couple of them,namely the title track could have been a bit shorter. "gold" is still my favourite track after all this time. there is a timeless feel to these tracks, the music is quite 'soul' in parts,melodic laden guitars,synths,brass instruments and the smooth vocals of lead singer Tony Hadley, and you'll see this in the live tracks(links) that he can replicate that smoothness live.
the Spandau's were one of the first 'white' groups to appear on US R&B/Soul programme 'Soul Train', a testament to their class.the album reached #1 UK, #19 US. four singles were released from the album:
Lifeline #7 UK
Communication #12 UK, #59 US.
True #1 UK,
Gold #2 UK, #29 US

...and all the links are 'live' versions...Fantastic!!



2..Communication** (live)
3..Code Of Love** (live)
4..Gold*** (live)
5..Lifeline*** (live)
6..Heaven Is A Secret** (live)
7..Foundation** (live)
8..True*** (live)


rating: 2.37
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.


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