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Your First Metal Band ??
I listened to Linkin Park too and I thought that was metal but the first really hardcore metal band I heard was Cradle of Filth. I even remember the song. It was Nymphetamine. Amon Amarth really owns too, imo.
At last the sun is shining. The clouds of blue roll by with flames from the dragon of darkness. The sunlight blinds his eyes. - Led Zeppelin
Black SabbathConfusedmile:
I had my heart set on being a drummer when I was a gullible kid. We listened passionately to Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath on tape. Guess what? Time's gone by and I still love Black Sabbath as much as I did in those days. Supreme band!
Welcome Ivan! Great bands to listen to.
Welcome aboard MD, Ivan !..what do you think of BS's new one 13 ? I like it but I like Tony's guitar playing the most!
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
Probably Suicide Silence
...but i'm not sure that's classified as metal or not?
The greatest artist’s are a combination of huge confidence and massive insecurity
-AP Interviewer
I'm confused ??? what genre is it do you think?
MsCorrupterSOH Wrote:Probably Suicide Silence
...but i'm not sure that's classified as metal or not?
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
SteveO Wrote:I'm confused ??? what genre is it do you think?

I don't know what it is, someone told me it was screamo, another person told me it was thrash metal. it's all just music to me.
The greatest artist’s are a combination of huge confidence and massive insecurity
-AP Interviewer
Nice to hear that you are not sucked in by the music genre game, Ms! I like your answer.
MsCorrupterSOH Wrote:I don't know what it is, someone told me it was screamo, another person told me it was thrash metal. it's all just music to me.
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
I was 16 years old when someone suggested that I should check out Necrophagist. I wasn't into metal, let alone death metal, but curious about it since people praised it for its complexity. So I sat down and connected to the all-too-expensive Internet (I was not allowed to do so, but I simply had to, so I did it stealthily) and spent a couple of minutes trying to download a song of theirs. I ended up downloading a file titled "Necrophagist - Seven" which was supposedly a sample of their song. This is what it sounded like:

Demons & Wizards - The Gunslinger

Surprisingly enough, I immediately fell in love with the music lol. Soon after, I wanted to find out who these guys are, how many of them there are (I thought there were around 5 or 6 of them just singing lol), and more of their music, but!

Necrophagist - Seven

Oh, what a letdown this was! The only metal song I loved -- and I loved it so much -- the only link to the kind of metal I could possibly like and boom! I couldn't figure out the name of the freaking band.

Took several years to run into Blind Guardian.

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