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Your First Metal Band ??
Blind Guardian are awesome...good pick Miso!
mirosurabu Wrote:I was 16 years old when someone suggested that I should check out Necrophagist. I wasn't into metal, let alone death metal, but curious about it since people praised it for its complexity. So I sat down and connected to the all-too-expensive Internet (I was not allowed to do so, but I simply had to, so I did it stealthily) and spent a couple of minutes trying to download a song of theirs. I ended up downloading a file titled "Necrophagist - Seven" which was supposedly a sample of their song. This is what it sounded like:

Demons & Wizards - The Gunslinger

Surprisingly enough, I immediately fell in love with the music lol. Soon after, I wanted to find out who these guys are, how many of them there are (I thought there were around 5 or 6 of them just singing lol), and more of their music, but!

Necrophagist - Seven

Oh, what a letdown this was! The only metal song I loved -- and I loved it so much -- the only link to the kind of metal I could possibly like and boom! I couldn't figure out the name of the freaking band.

Took several years to run into Blind Guardian.
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
I was first introduced to Metal when I was about nine years old, when my Uncle lent me his "Best of the Beast" CD by Iron Maiden. I can't remember if it was The Number of the Beast or Fear of the Dark that I first heard, but I was totally blown away by it and soon acquired all of Iron Maiden's main albums at the time.

SteveO Wrote:Blind Guardian are awesome...good pick Miso!

Indeed they are awesome. Blind Guardian is by far my favourite Power Metal band. Nightfall in Middle-Earth, A Night at the Opera, Somewhere Far Beyond, and Imaginations from the Other Side are absolutely amazing.
Iron Maiden !!!...what can I say...check out the small yet powerful METAL section...maybe you can expand on it ?Confusedmile:
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
Katatonia or Candlemass, cant quite remember =p
AH! Two more great Swedish bands! Caught Katatonia with Opeth!
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
That's awesome SteveO, I've seen them both before too, it was epic to say the least!!
Metallica was my first metal band. I bought the Black Album years ago and the rest is history. ^_^

Yeah, a pretty typical introduction. Heh. I still have an appreciation for that album, even if it's not among my favorites now.
I probably already said it but I'm not looking back

Led Zeppelin

Bathory(Sweden) - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark /1987
I'm SognaMetalVreid btw. Too much time has passed that I'm unsure which account I made first, but I must have forgotten the password to one at some point which is why I made the second account.

The reason I'm posting here is to elaborate on a subgenre by subgenre basis and to add a bit of my discovery of bands/genres history.

My first heavy metal band was obviously Maiden, when I was about ten years old in '06. I was obsessed with mostly just them for the next couple years.

Around 08 I started to get into thrash metal with Metallica with the help of Guitar Hero 3.

At about the same time I started getting into power metal with Dragonforce.

At around 2010 at the age of thirteen I started wanting to explore music more, beyond my few obsessions. This lead to checking out more bands in previously stated genres, like Blind Guardian, Slayer, and Megadeth, but at this time I also started getting into melodic death metal with the likes of Children of Bodom, Amon Amarth, and Dethklok.

In 2012 I discovered black metal that I liked through Rock Band. The bands being Rotting Christ and Watain. Around this time I also started exploring a lot more into the genre and discovered my favourite avant-garde metal band: Sigh, as well as folk metal like Ensiferum, and Forefather. Plus death metal like Death, Atheist, and Bolt Thrower.

From 2012 to 2014 I pretty much just expanded my knowledge in areas which I had already had some experience, mostly focusing on folk and black metal. This included Manegarm, Windir, Vreid, Mistur, Absu, Kalmah, Caladan Brood, Gallowbraid, Saor, Aura Noir, Gorgoroth, and Catuvolcus amon others.

In 2014/15 I got into some semi-doom metal bands like the experimental sludge band Terra Tenebrosa, the bands Uaral, and Mourning Mist, and the death/doom band Taphos Nomos, as well as more abrasive death metal like Gorguts and Demilich. I also got into some more experimental metal in the form of Transcending Bizarre?/Hail Spirit Noir. Plus some what I like to call extreme extreme metal, which is a particularly extreme sounding amalgamation of death, black, and doom metal like the bands Mitochondrion and Dodecahedron. I also got into the electronic/industrial black metal bands Samael and Forever Dawn, and delved further into Thy Catafalque's material.

Ever since, I haven't really had a new band for any completely unexplored genre. But I'm open to recommendations. Smile

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