28-04-2009, 14:30
I don't know anything about the difference between them playing live or in the studio, because i don't listen to them. Having only heard that one song that everyone knows and that made them massively more popular than they were before it was included in Guitar Hero III, Through The Fire And Flames, i can't give much of an opinion on their music. From that one song, it sounds to me as if the main thing that attracts so many fans to them is just the speed of their playing. Again, i can only speak for this one song. I accept that Herman Li and Sam Totman are insanely fast guitarists, though :biggrin:
I might even have bought one of their albums by now to give a better judgement if i wasn't hell-bent on buying as much alternative rock as possible :biggrin:
I might even have bought one of their albums by now to give a better judgement if i wasn't hell-bent on buying as much alternative rock as possible :biggrin: